- Event website with customizable registration linked to payment gateway and login post event to download video recording if required.
- Event management system
- Presenter management
- Attendee and/or payment management
- Multi event management
- Real time Reports
- Virtual Webinar / Conference for conferences, workshops and seminars
- Attendee list
- Panelist list
- Poll
- Survey
- Practice session with organizer / committee
- Q&A / Chat / Raise hand and talk control
- Pre-recording arrangement with speakers, if needed
- Event videos with video editing service
- Personal reminder to speakers
- Auto email reminders to attendee and panelist
- User guides for pre recording, panelist, presenter, attendee
- Post event Reports
- Design of event materials, event marketing video, launching video, registration form
- Equipment rental
- Virtual Meeting
- Periodic subscription plan
- Auto email reminders to attendees
- Meeting video
- Chat content
- Post event Reports
- Dedicated project personnel